How to use a household ozone generator

What is an Ozone Generator?

An ozone generator is a device designed to produce ozone (O3), a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent with various applications, primarily in air purification, odor removal, and disinfection.

However, since ozone is harmful to humans, special care needs to be taken when using it. Here are some tips for using an Household ozone generator at home to help you use this device safely and effectively in your home.

1. Selection of suitable equipment

Choose the right ozone generator for your room size. Domestic ozone generators come in a variety of models and sizes, choose the right unit for the size of the room in your home to ensure that its ozone output will effectively cover the target area.
Make sure there are no people or pets in the room When using the Household ozone generator, there should be no people or pets in the room.Ozone is irritating to the respiratory system of humans and pets, so when using the ozone generator, make sure there are no people and pets in the room.

Set the appropriate usage time and concentration
Depending on the size of the room and the treatment needs, set the appropriate usage time and ozone concentration.Small rooms usually require a shorter treatment time, while larger rooms or heavily polluted areas may require longer.

General advice:
Small room (such as bedroom): 20-30 minutes
Medium room (such as living room): 30-60 minutes
Large room (e.g. basement): 1-2 hours

In terms of concentration, household ozone generators are usually set within the safe range of 0.02-0.05 ppm (parts per million). The specific time and concentration should follow our usage guidelines.

2.Ensure good ventilation

Make sure the room is well ventilated after use. After the Household ozone generator has finished running, open the doors and windows to ensure that the ozone gas is fully dispersed. Circulate the air in the room until the ozone concentration drops to a safe level. It is recommended that the ventilation time be at least 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the ozone concentration and the size of the room.

Ventilation tips:

1.Open all windows and doors to promote air circulation.
2.Use electric fans to speed up air exchange.
3.If possible, use exhaust fans to help remove ozone.

3.Avoid direct inhalation of ozone

Before using the Household ozone generator for the first time, read the instructions and our operation video carefully to understand the operation method, safety precautions and maintenance requirements of the equipment. Each brand and model of equipment may have different usage specifications.
During the operation of the ozone generator and for a period of time after the operation, try to avoid staying in the treatment area to prevent health effects.

4.Regular maintenance and cleaning

To ensure efficient operation of the Household ozone generator, clean the device regularly and replace filters and other wearing parts. When cleaning, avoid using corrosive cleaning agents to avoid damaging the device.
After using the Household ozone generator, it is recommended to use an ozone detector to detect the ozone concentration in the air to ensure that it has dropped to a safe level. Especially after multiple uses or long-term treatment, it should be tested.
Long-term or frequent use may cause ozone concentration in the air to accumulate and have adverse effects on health. Try to use it when necessary and control the frequency of use.


  • Treat large spaces in stages: If treating a large space, it is recommended to treat it in sections. Treat one section at a time to ensure that the ozone concentration and usage time are within safe ranges.
  • Leave it for a while after treatment before entering: After treatment and ventilation, it is best to wait 1-2 hours before entering the room to ensure that the ozone is fully dissipated.
  • Safe storage equipment: When not in use, store the Household ozone generator in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight and humid environments.
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