What is Ozone?

As an efficient air and water purification equipment, ozone machines are widely used in homes, hospitals, factories, food processing and other places. However, despite the fact that ozone machines have remarkable results in sterilising and disinfecting the air and removing odours. This is because ozone generators are generally suitable for space disinfection and cannot be used when people or pets are present. This is because, although ozone is a powerful oxidant that can eliminate most odours, the ozone (O3) it produces may also pose some health hazards to humans and pets. Therefore, government agencies do not recommend long-term exposure to ozone.

All these are more than reasonable suggestions, as ozone breaks down molecules during the oxidation process, especially those that cause odours. But high levels of ozone can pose a risk of damage to the eyes and respiratory tract of humans and pets. This is especially true for people with asthma or COPD. Ozone should therefore be used with caution.

There have been previous instances where companies have sold air purifiers with ozone capabilities to their customers, advertising that they can be used in occupied environments. This has attracted the attention of the EPA, the FDA and the American Lung Association and has had a negative impact on the ozone industry. Ozone has always been used in some hotels, condominiums, factory environments, wastewater treatment and other industries for disinfecting and sterilising use. It is basically only allowed to be used in unoccupied and pet-friendly environments. Therefore, the State of California places restrictions on such consumer ozone air purifiers, and our qlozone industrial ozone purifiers are subject to special use labelling requirements. When using them, beware of being exposed in a manned environment and being exposed to excessive high levels of ozone inhalation.

Proper set-up and use of ozone machines

1. Selection of appropriate power
According to the size of the room or space to be used, choose to use the appropriate power of the ozone machine, to avoid too much power to produce excessive ozone, resulting in high concentration.

2. Learn to use the timer function, or use an ozone machine with a wifi remote control function, which allows you to remotely set the working time of the ozone generator, or after switching it on, people and pets will have time to evacuate the working area as soon as possible. Avoid people and pets staying in the ozone-exposed area for too long, causing unnecessary harm.

3. Ventilation.
After using the ozone generator, pay attention to ventilation, you can open the ventilation system or air-conditioning system, to ensure that the ozone is fully diffused and disappeared, to reduce the impact of residual ozone on human beings and pets.

Personnel protection measures

When using ozone equipment, it is recommended that personnel leave the area of use to minimise exposure. However, if it is necessary to work in a high-concentration ozone environment, it is recommended to wear protective masks, protective glasses and other equipment, and try to shorten the exposure time and exposure area.

Regular maintenance testing of ozone equipment

The equipment components of ozone machines do not last very long and ozone is corrosive. The original ozone-producing components can form a film on the pole plate, reducing output. Even ozone plates protected by filters can form a tiny film over time, resulting in lower ozone output. In order to ensure that the ozone machine works properly, it is essential to clean and replace the necessary filters and parts, and to check the operating conditions regularly. It is also important to use ozone concentration testing instruments more often to regularly check the concentration of ozone in the air to ensure that the ozone will be within a safe range. Once the concentration is found to exceed the limit, it is necessary to stop using it immediately and take measures to reduce the concentration such as ventilation.

Selection of use environment

Try to use the ozone machine in a well ventilated environment and space, avoid using it for a long time in a closed space without ventilation. In addition, avoid the use of flammable and explosive substances in the place, to prevent the oxidation reaction and cause safety hazards. In addition, ozone disinfection has a certain range, beyond the range of disinfection effect is reduced, so the installation of ozone machines, pay attention to the reasonable distribution of space, or the use of portable ozone machines.

Correct handling practices

Ozone operators should be professionally trained to understand the operation of the ozone machine and safety precautions, you can take a look at our operation video for each model, as well as we also have installation and replacement videos for replacing various parts. We also have professional engineers to debug each machine to ensure that each machine is suitable for the customer’s environment. Developing the correct operating habits and emergency handling ability, you can cope with unexpected situations. In addition the elderly, children and pregnant women as well as people with respiratory diseases will be more sensitive to ozone, and extra caution should be taken when using ozone equipment in the space of these people, and it is even more necessary to have good ventilation. Minimise exposure time.
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