How to use ozone machine to keep food fresh in ship cold storage?

Sailing on the vast sea, whether it is a fishing boat, a ship, or a cruise ship, in addition to being able to see the beautiful scenery of the sea, it is also a great enjoyment to be able to enjoy food made from fresh ingredients. After all, fresh and delicious food can not only improve the satisfaction and happiness of passengers and crew members, but also ensure their health and supplement sufficient nutrition.

Cruise companies or ships and fishing boats on medium and long-distance voyages will order a large amount of food for each trip to prepare for the days at sea. After all, it is not possible to go ashore frequently for food supplies. And these foods need to be placed in cold storage. The refrigerator is one of the most common methods for preserving fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish. However, refrigeration is costly and energy-intensive. And it is not the most effective method.

Because refrigeration cannot destroy the damage of microorganisms to food and vegetables. Food will still be affected by the destructive growth of microorganisms during storage, thus affecting the quality of the food itself. There are also various fungal decays and pests that cannot be avoided.

The use of ozone generators is very advantageous in refrigerating food. Because of the special properties of ozone gas, it can inactivate microorganisms in fresh food and prevent the growth and reproduction of mold and fungi. Protect many foods such as fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. Using an ozone system in the ship’s cold storage room to preserve food ingredients can keep the air sterile and prevent the growth of mold and fungi. It can also effectively combat a variety of harmful food pathogens and extend the shelf life of food. For ships sailing on the sea, using an ozone generator to treat food storage is the most effective, practical and economical solution.

Ozone: Nature's powerful preservative

Ozone O3 is an allotrope of oxygen with strong oxidizing ability. Generally speaking, ozone exists in the atmosphere at high altitudes in nature and can absorb and filter ultraviolet rays. Ozone on the ground, because of its strong oxidizing property, will make it a powerful sterilizer and preservative. This is different from the way of using chemical agents for preservation. Because ozone is a gas, after acting, it will be reduced to oxygen and evaporate in the air without any residue, which is very environmentally friendly.

Advantages of ozone generator in refrigeration

Ozone systems in cold storage have many advantages over other refrigeration technologies. First, because ozone is a powerful disinfectant with antibacterial properties. Ozone can effectively inactivate various molds, bacteria, spores, microorganisms and viruses. And the use of ozone can reduce dependence on chemical disinfectants, reduce waste and pollution, and reduce energy consumption.

Ozone systems have been well proven to improve food safety and extend the shelf life of foods (such as seafood, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc.).

Another major feature of ozone is that it is very advantageous. Because of its gas properties, it does not leave any residue after its action. It also does not affect the taste, smell and quality of stored food.

Ozone can also remove ethylene gas in the refrigerator. This is because vegetables, fruits and other ingredients will continue to volatilize ethylene gas during the ripening process. This natural gas will accelerate the ripening and decay of agricultural products. And this gas will also affect the taste and texture of agricultural products. The strong oxidizing property of ozone can oxidize ethylene and decompose ethylene into carbon dioxide and water. This can help slow down the ripening process of agricultural products and extend the shelf life. Ensure the quality and freshness of agricultural products.

QLozone’s ozone system can solve this problem very well. Because the ozone machine is easy to install. It can be installed and used directly in the existing cold storage air system. And we have different models according to the area of ​​different cold storage rooms. There are wall-mounted ozone machines, portable ozone machines, and large ozone systems that can be installed in pipes.

QLozone’s ozone system will provide you with professional design and installation guidance based on your situation. Using the QLozone system, you can quickly recover the cost of the equipment because it can minimize food waste and reduce the cost of frequent food replenishment. Reduce capital costs, reduce operating costs, and improve navigation efficiency.

How to use the ozone machine better

Because ozone is highly oxidizing, it will have an impact on humans and pets. When used in high concentrations, you must stay away from it.
So you need to be more careful when operating.

1. Determine the appropriate ozone concentration:

The effective ozone concentration requirement depends on the size of the cold room and the intended use. It is generally between 0.1 and 0.3 parts per million (ppm). If you have any questions about the concentration and area to be used, you can consult our professionals, and we will give you the most professional advice based on your use and the area of ​​the cold room.

2. Choose the right ozone generator:

There are many different types of ozone generators on the market, from small portable to large industrial generators. It is necessary to choose a generator that is suitable for the size of your cold room and the intended use. If you are not sure what kind of generator is suitable, you can consult our professional engineers and we will give you the most suitable solution according to your situation.

3. Reserve time for ozone to work:

When ozone circulates in the cold room, it needs a certain amount of time to work. The length of this time depends on the size of the cold room. You can also consult us for the specific working time.

4. Pay attention to ventilation:

After the ozone generator is finished working, it is necessary to ventilate and circulate to remove the residual ozone in the space. Open all doors, windows and air ventilation systems to circulate the air in the entire space. After that, make sure that the ozone concentration in the air is at a safe value before entering. You can use our ozone detection instrument for detection.

In fact, many fishing boat companies and cruise companies have already started using ozone treatment technology in cold rooms, and have achieved very good results. For example, some cruise ship operating service providers also reported that the use of ozone system technology has extended the shelf life of fresh food in the cold room by an average of 30% to 50%. This not only reduces food waste, but also reduces the frequency and cost of replenishment. In addition, passengers have generally improved their satisfaction, feeling that the food is fresher and more delicious, and the experience has been improved.

Ozone treatment technology has brought great changes to the refrigeration of ships and cruise ships. It has made a revolutionary contribution to food preservation. It has extended the shelf life of food and improved the quality and safety of food. In the future, I believe that more and more people will use ozone system technology for refrigeration and preservation. I believe you will not miss such a good opportunity. I will continue to talk about the application of ozone and air circulation in ships. You can pay attention to us. If you have any needs in this regard, you can contact us and we will do our best to provide all services.

How to use ozone generator to keep food fresh in ship refrigerator
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