How to repair the ozone air tester?

Now ozone air tester is a universal but precise instrument for measuring ozone. Since it is a machine, it is inevitable that there will be problems. How to solve if your ozone air tester fails? This article will tell you what you should do when there is a problem with your ozone air tester. Let your ozone air tester return to its best state in the shortest possible time. At the end, I will tell you the tips for daily maintenance of ozone air tester, so that your ozone air tester will last longer.

1. What problem does your ozone air tester need to return to the factory for repair?

2. Possible problems and solutions for ozone air tester.

3. Tips for daily maintenance of ozone air tester.

1. What problem does your ozone air tester need to return to the factory for repair?

When your ozone air tester has these problems, I am sorry to tell you that your ozone air tester may need to be returned to the factory for repair.

(1) Your sensor is not working properly, you need to replace the sensor.

(2) You need to zero point your ozone air tester.

(3) Your battery is damaged.

We suggest that if your ozone air tester‘s sensor and battery have problems, you should communicate with the manufacturer you purchased. It is best to have the original manufacturer repair your equipment. Because some parts are the best original parts for ozone air tester.

2. Possible problems and solutions for ozone air tester.

If the ozone air tester reading is too high in a zero air environment, it may be

Because the background gas concentration is higher than the normal value, the interference gas exists, and the sensor is damaged. If it is the problem of the first two, move the sensor to clean air to test the reading. If it is the last reason, then you need to replace the sensor. If your ozone air tester fails to shut down normally, it may be due to the hot weather or the host overheating due to long charging. You can unplug the charging power, transfer the ozone air tester to a place with normal temperature, wait for the temperature of the host to decrease, and then try to shut down. If you can’t charge the battery, in addition to the battery failure, it may also be because you are not turned on and must be charged in the power on or standby mode. Failure of the power cord and power supply can also cause the problem of not being able to charge.

3. Tips for daily maintenance of ozone air tester.

Good daily maintenance can make ozone air tester work better. You only need to pay attention to simple small details. First of all, you can’t use it outside the humid environment and temperature range. When you are using the ozone air tester, stay away from the raw material barrel to avoid organic matter affecting the equipment. Do not use the ozone air tester directly in your hand or put it on a stainless steel workbench. This may cause the ozone air tester‘s measurement results to be inaccurate. If you want to clean the ozone air tester, you cannot wipe the ozone air tester with a dry cloth, because this may generate static charges and have a bad effect on the equipment.

I hope this article will solve your problem. If you have any need for ozone equipment, such as industrial ozone generator, ozone air tester for home, please contact us. QLOZONE is a professional ozone generator manufacturer.It will be a good choice that you will not regret.

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